

As part of our Objectives and Key Results in the product team, we are aiming to deliver the MVP version of the Live page. The Editorial team is currently in the process of migrating from their old publication platform to the updated one, called Tipo.

As UX, we are assisting the team in introducing the Public Service Live page experience and feature to the World Service while also adapting to the needs of our users and market groups. This is an ongoing project, and our team is still working on it. We plan to allow the Editorial team to test the experience in February 2024.

Role and responsibilities
I joined this project as a supporter for my senior Emily A at the beginning, but I started leading it after she rotated out from our team since September, 2023, which include project planning, discovery, design and deliver.

Difference between World Service and UK Public Service

Before starting the project, we did an audit to understand the difference between World Service and Public Service. Although both services have editorial teams as users, there are still some differences to conside:

Different break points and grid: For instance, World Service has smaller screen sizes (less than 239px) used by around 120,000 people per day, so we need to ensure that their user experience is not compromised.
Different market needs and journalist user cases in World Service, which means that some services have limited editorial resources and cannot have as many live pages on different events. In some cases, the editorial team uses the live page as a daily update page.
More accessibility concerns are based on multiple languages and cultures since World Service has 41 language services with different fonts, cultures, and reading behaviours. Hence, we need to ensure that our design works for all our audience.


In this project, I will share my design thinking and process of two components, which are Live image header and post stream component.